The Pleasure Garden returns for a mesmerising 2018 festival

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The Pleasure Garden returns for a mesmerising 2018 festival


The Pleasure Garden Horticultural Society cordially invites you to conjure up inner-city Eden and party hard with an immersive music and arts experience. The third instalment of TPG is revving up after a killer day in 2017, and has dropped the dates for this year’s garden groove; pen Saturday 8 December into your calendar immediately.

2017’s show blossomed with four curated stages, large-scale installations, interactive art, artisan stalls, impressive costumes and a frickin’ hot tub – how are they going to top that in 2018? Well, it’s set to unearth even more magic than ever before; a new theme, ‘Welcome To Wonderland’, will be matched with various roving performers.

Don’t worry about getting nibbly between sets – fine food and killer cocktails will be available on the St Kilda foreshore, decked out as a palm-fringed party paradise. So boog hard or boog home, and load yourself up on gourmet delights to last out this fine summer day.