The Love Booth

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The Love Booth

Revealing 60 years of Queer Love.

The Love Booth is a musical story telling of queer adventures and love from Chicago to Canada to Newport in Melbourne. The invisible history of our LGBTQIA+ locals comes out from behind the curtain to dance in the spotlight in the grand space of Williamstown Town Hall for three shows only.

A combination of song, fashion, dance and storytelling reflect local experiences as well as international activism. The world has turned and danced forward (in many places) since the Listing of homosexuality as a ‘mental illness’. Playwright Tara Goldstein was inspired to write The Love Booth to celebrate the 50 years since the delisting of this diagnosis. With her Toronto based company Gailey Road Productions she has partnered with the Hobsons Bay community and director Donna Jackson of Art & Industry Projects and Hubcap Productions to research, reveal and weave local queer folks’ histories into a new cabaret version of The Love Booth.

This promises to be a bold, brash and beautiful celebration of a new world that is not perfect but it is something to sing and dance about.