The Elvis Presley Tribute: 35th Anniversary Show

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The Elvis Presley Tribute: 35th Anniversary Show


What’s your favourite Elvis song?

It’s called Let Yourself Go.

What was it that made the King of Rock’N’Roll so unparalleled?

Nan enjoys telling me that if it wasn’t for Elvis and Love Me Tender, “your father wouldn’t have been born!”

Of the other performers, who are you most excited to see pay homage to Elvis on the night?

Rob Snarski of the Blackeyed Susans. He’s a master.

Do you have anything special planned for your section of the evening?

A quiff.

Aside from the obvious Yah Yah’s, what other venues do you think Elvis would populate in modern-day Melbourne?

LuWoW on Johnston Street. Or wherever the girls are.

Can we expect any blue suede shoes or golden suits adorning your body on the night?

I might don a pair of leather pants. Always wanted an excuse…

Tell us something we don’t yet know about the gig.

The band are top notch, the singers are some of Melbourne’s best. It’s going to be a lot of fun.