The Count With… Pataphysics

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The Count With… Pataphysics


Ten bands everyone should know about:

Bambu, Christian Scott, Lady Leshurr, Project nRt, Tierra, Super Rock and Roll Party, Birdz, Olmecha Supreme, Massive Hip Hop choir and Soweto Kinch.

Nine food items that you need to make a kickarse dinner party:

Tapatio Hot Sauce, fresh coriander, mango, raspberries, lime, ice, almond milk, honey.  Not sure what you would make with these items.

Eight possessions that define you:

Trumpet, notepad/book, Mpc, Rhodes, Cubase 7, hoodie, speakers, Universal Audio 1176.

Seven favourite movies/TV shows that go on your mix-tape:

The Boondocks, Mo Betta Blues, Enter The Dragon, Higher Learning, The Black Panther (marvel series), Blade, Star Wars.

Six bad habits you can’t escape: 

Late nights, coffee, late night music, changing music on the fly, phone, side tracks,

Five people who inspire you:

Gary Foley, Dave Chappelle, Arundhati Roy, Clifford Brown, Frank Zappa.

Four things that turn you on:

Valve gear, bebop lines, recording to tape, Edward trumpet Gen 3x Bb Trumpet.

Three goals for your music:

Make the best music possible, communicate my ideas in an accessible way, have fun.

Two live gigs you’ll never forget and why:

Dirty Three at Meredith, the famous lightning gig. Last year’s album launch – most fun ever!

One day left before the apocalypse and you…

Punch Tony Abbott in the face and burn down McDonald’s.

When’s the gig?

This Friday November 8 at The Workers Club.