The Coincidents
Define your genre in five words or less:
“Ol’ fashioned pop music.”
So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?
” ‘Holy shit balls. There’s a band in there that are halfway between the swagger of The ‘Stones and the melodies of The Beatles… and they’ve got hot chicks in the band too’. Either that or: ‘Fucking stupid music in there. They’ve got instruments and stuff. And they’re playing live. And the drummer doesn’t even hit the kick drum every beat. How you are you meant to do big-box little-box to that? Not even my sprinkler move would fit.”
How long have you been gigging and writing?
“The Coincidents have been performing for about six months, but the lineup is a superband of the Melbourne pop scene: between the seven of us, there’s a collective experience of over 100 years.”
What has been your favourite gig you’ve played to date?
“Mike our drummer has to see us from behind every gig, so he’s played more gigs to date than the rest of us. My favourite was when that guy mooned us while we were singing Blue Moon… Oh wait, I’m doing that thing again where I think I’m in Grease.”
What inspires or has influenced your music the most?
“Some people do music because they need to. For some it’s a life calling. For others it’s an attempt at stardom or something to pass the time. For me, it’s a chance to improve the world. For every time someone listens to our music, they are not listening to My Humps by Black Eyed Peas. You can thank me in person at our next show.”
What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?
“In short, the band would firstly need to define success, set goals and then achieve those goals. In our case, our definition of success is to always write witty responses to interview questions. We’ll obviously never be successful, but that won’t stop us trying.”
Do you have any record releases to date? What? Where can I get it?
“Fricken oath we do. We’re launching our full length album Modern Heart on Friday June 3. You could probably source it from a bricks and mortar retailer if you tried, but what with the invention of the internerds and stuff, the cheapest place to get it is our website: It’s only $10. That’s a fricken bargain. You want it cheaper? All right you cheap skate… we’ll sell it for only $8 at our launch then. Yes, the full CD… yes, a lovely multi-coloured digipak. Yes, we’ll even sign it for you. No, we can’t give it to you for free. “
Why should everyone come and see your band?
“Rolling Stones swagger. Beatles melodies. Beach Boys harmonies. Great songs played great(ly?). Hot chicks in the band. Hot chicks in the crowd. A crowd that dances. Hot dancing chicks = opportunity. Our music would appeal to your mum. You can take her to the gig and then have something to talk about.”