In an experience that could only be described as “goon bag in quantity, champagne in quality”, comedians Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh will be joined by renowned, local wine expert Sergio Carlei from Carlei Wines. Together, they’ll guide you through five exquisite wines paired with at least five hilarious jokes.
Everyone from worldly wine wankers to clueless chardonnay chuggers will find something to make their glass half full, as all the wine industry’s most hard-hitting questions are answered:
How far should I extend my pinky when sipping? What the f%*k is a tannin? And who’s parked in the clearway out front, you’re about to be towed?
As seen performing at Grapes of Mirth’s two-day festival, Comedy in the Vines, and Wine For The People’s Comedians In Bars Getting Blind, Sweeney Preston & Ethan Cavanagh are two of Melbourne’s fastest-rising and extravagantly overdressed comedians.
Between them, they have performed internationally in Germany, the UK, Ireland, Japan, Indonesia, South Africa & New Zealand, and all corners of Australia, including shows at 6 consecutive Melbourne International Comedy Festivals.