St Kilda Festival opens applications for musicians and designers

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St Kilda Festival opens applications for musicians and designers


St Kilda Festival is calling on bands and musicians from across Australia to play the New Music Stage at the 2019 edition of the festival. Ten bands will be chosen to play and the crowd favourite takes home $5K and an invite to play the Main Stage in 2020. Applications are open until Friday September 28.

“The St Kilda Festival is a flagship event for the City of Port Phillip which aims to engage the community with access to a diverse range of entertainment,” says Mayor Cr Bernadene Voss. “We’re calling on participants nationwide to take part in 2019, an encourage everyone to apply.”

The festival is set to attract over 400,000 patrons on Sunday February 10, St Kilda Festival is hailed as Australia’s largest free music festival and is committed to supporting emerging Australian artists. In the past, the New Music Stage has hosted Client Liaison, Missy Higgins, and Baker Boy.

One of the most iconic parts of the festival is its posters. Selected via a design competition with a $2K cash prize, the winning design is incorporated into all promotional material for that year’s festival.

Entry to the poster design competition is free people living, working or studying in Port Phillip’s council area and once again everyone is encouraged to apply. The winning design will capture the vibrancy and atmosphere of St Kilda Festival. Applications for the poster competition close Monday September 17.