Spotify and Jimmy Brings reveal paired music and wine delivery service

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Spotify and Jimmy Brings reveal paired music and wine delivery service


In the collaboration you didn’t know you needed, delivery service Jimmy Brings has teamed up with Spotify to bring you Songmelier Edition – a wine pairing with a twist. 

Songmelier Edition is basically a one-stop party planning shop, bringing you fine drops with perfectly curated playlists to match. Each bottle of wine comes with a unique code printed on the bottle which you can scan using your Spotify app to discover your personal drinking playlist. 

There are three different wines to choose from, each offering suitable tunes to drink to. The Sparkling Wine brings a party playlist, with equally bubbly beats to match each sip; the Reserve Shiraz brings smooth jazz, rock’n’roll and the likes and the Sauvignon Blanc offers ambient indie to tropical house to complement the laidback drop. 

So you can sit back and relax knowing you’ll no longer have to duck out mid-evening when you run out of booze or try and please your guests with a mood-appropriate playlist.