Sean Murphy : Ghost Jam!

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Sean Murphy : Ghost Jam!


Tell us about your show. Ghost Jam! packs the world’s best ghost tales into an hour of whirlwind action for adults and kids ages five to 12. The show stars me and the amazing drummer Sophie Unsen as we combine silly, spooky storytelling with booming live music.


When was the idea for the show born? I went to school for a year in Tokyo and was struck by the rich folklore that we in the West don’t see beyond the stereotypes of sushi, samurai and Super Mario. I came back to Australia wanting to share the stories I’d learned, but no idea where to begin. Years later I met Sophie who is amazing on Japanese drums or ‘taiko’ and the show quickly came together.


What does your show teach the audience? The audience will experience classic Japanese ghost stories with a comedic twist. At the same time, they’ll be introduced to a huge variety of instrumentation that Sophie uses to create a live soundtrack.


Does your show have any audience participation? Heaps, but for kids only.  Adults are invited to sit back, relax and take in the horror and hilarity as it unfolds. 


Who are you looking forward to seeing this year at the festival? I’m a huge fan of Barnie Duncan’s Juan Vesuvius shows about a Venezuelan DJ who wants to share rum, rhythm and absolutely ridiculous clowning with the world. He’s doing a new show called Weekend at Barnie’s.


Venue: Melbourne Town Hall – Cloak Room

Dates: Thursday April 6 & Friday April 7

Duration: 55 minutes

Tickets: $14 – $20