Sea Legs

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Sea Legs


Define your genre in five words or less:

“Fresh edge indie, with contagious melodies.”

Someone walks past as you’re playing, they get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

“For a bunch of pirate hookers, these guys are pretty sweet!”

How long have you been gigging and writing?

“Writing in our home studio for the past 6 months, we’re taking it on the road in July.”

What’s been your favourite gig you’ve played to date?

“With The Beautiful Girls at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club, of all places. The room was frothing with energy!”

Which band would you most like to have a battle/showdown with?

“Jinja Safari, nothing like healthy sibling rivalry.”

What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

“Just drawing on the crazy stuff that happens in real life, and loving being able to express that through music.”

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

“Connecting your music with the audience goes a long way – you have to set yourself apart as well. Also being in the right place, at the right time.”

Do you have any record releases to date? What? Where can I get it?

“We have an EP in the works, but there’s a few free downloads on our Facebook – take advantage of us. We also have a film clip for our single Boyfriend.

Why should everyone come and see your band?

“If you’re keen to see some rowdy, live, indie-rock then you must choose Sea Legs. We’re about making every show as entertaining as possible.”

When are you playing live/releasing your album/EP/single/etc?

“We’re currently driving to our first show of our tour, playing with Jebediah tonight at Wollongong. You can check out all our dates on our Facebook page,”