Sammy J : Hero Complex

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Sammy J : Hero Complex


Tell us about your show. It’s a true story about how my obsession with The Phantom as a kid led to 20 years worth of strange occurrences, finishing with a federal policeman searching my attic last year. Which sounds ridiculous but is actually true.

How did the Phantom comics set off a chain of events that would change your life? Well, I was the only Phantom fan at my school. Which was lonely for me. But then I found someone else who had a similar interest, who just happened to be the school gardener. That’s when things started getting weird. 

Does Randy get jealous when you don’t bring him along to shows? He actually instructed me to do this show. He said it would do me good and that we needed a break and that we don’t make love anymore and how he wants to travel and experience other things for a while.

How have your experiences overseas at Edinburgh and Montreal helped you grow as a comic? Edinburgh is a pretty phenomenal place to go as a comic; you really see the best in the world on offer and it makes you lift your game as much as possible.


What is the most comical aspect of existence? The fact that we could all die literally any second and yet in order to function we have to constantly pretend like that’s not the case and focus on small trivial things instead, like who’s going to win I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.

Venue: Victoria Hotel – Banquet Room

Dates: Thursday March 30 – Sunday April 23 (bar Mondays)

Duration: 60 minutes

Tickets: $25 – $38 
