Queensberry Cup

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Queensberry Cup

The Queensberry Cup is a billycart race and street festival that is returning for a second time this year in North Melbourne on Saturday the 21st of October. For one day North Melbourne’s Queensberry Street is turned over to a range of cultural and creative activities including food stalls, live performances and the return of the famous Village Dog Show!

Up to fifty billycart daredevils will race down Errol St. on contraptions of their own design. Enter yourself or your team for a shot at glory and prizes including $1000 to spend at local shops!

This year’s festival will include a stellar lineup of Melbourne’s most exciting, eclectic, emerging and talented musicians, with grooves from across the globe, with host and poet Zainab Farah. Performances will include; Immy Owusu, Ghanaian highlife fused with surf coast rock-n-roll; Gusto Gusto, foot-stomping music; Jason Coleman’s Ministry of Dance stunning choreography; Jungle City Projects Jamaican dancehall & hip-hop and African Star Dance & Drumming High energy, West African Rose Paez Colombian jazz; North Melbourne Primary School Parents Band cool indie rock covers; Sing NoW! Community Choir, Homebrew Verandah Singers, The Zaahoos, Vietnamese and Chinese dancers plus more to be announced.

There will be a wide array of food stalls available on the day showcasing diversity of food and beverage options within North Melbourne. The Courthouse Hotel will be running a bar, with about half the event site licensed. Mork Chocolate will have a stall near the finishing line for hot chocolate goodness. Plus Eretrian, Middle Eastern, Vietnamese, Pizza from Melrose Place 3051 and a classic sausage sizzle from North Melbourne Rotary Plus everything Errol St. has to offer.

When: Saturday 21 October 2023 @ 1pm to 7:30pm

Where: Corner Errol St. and Queensberry St., North Melbourne VIC 3051

Cost: Free!