Q&A: The Sunday Reeds

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Q&A: The Sunday Reeds


What’s your name then? Oh. And the name of your band…
My name is Romana Ashton and the name of the band is The Sunday Reeds

And what do you do?
I’m the front person and I’m a singer/songwriter.

When did you start doing that?
I’ve been singing and playing music for as long as I can remember. I started writing songs when I was about 15. I am a founding member of The Sunday Reeds and we’ve been a ‘proper’ band since 2009.

Why did you start doing that?
I just thought I could. It’s a sickness really.

Do you think you’re good at doing that?
I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think I had something to offer.

If you weren’t doing that, what would you be doing?
I’d probably be an academic, a screenwriter or film director. I’ve got a PhD but I felt a bit stifled by university, so here I am.

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?
I like the process of song writing and recording new material and seeing how it ends up. I like seeing things come together, when an artistic vision becomes something tangible.

And what makes you unhappiest about what you’re doing?
Just the general state of the music industry. There are so many bands or ‘artists’ that don’t know how to pen a song and rely on puerile video clips to get attention.

What’s your proudest moment of doing what you do?
Hmmmmm, there have been many gratifying moments, but being able to play shows in the UK and have our work appreciated not just in Australia but in many different countries has been a highlight.

And your least proud?
I’m proud even in my least proud moments. That’s all you’re getting!

When are you doing your thing next?
The Sunday Reeds are launching their new single Kill this Party/’Fall from Grace at Pony on Friday February 24. It’s the launch of our own label as well, Heartgun Records. It’s going to be a great night with four bands and two performance artists. I’m really looking forward to it.