Q&A: The Corsairs

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Q&A: The Corsairs


Ten bands everyone should know about:

Step Panther, Dune Rats, Howler, Harlem, Iceage, Robb Bank$, Scott and Charlene’s Wedding, Super Wild Horses, Treehouse, Woollen Kits.


Nine food items that you need to make a kickarse dinner party:

Red Cordial, rainbow flavoured ice cream, Thins Light n’ Tangy (fuck yeah), Allens party mix, crème fraiche, cheese whiz, fish fingers, egg nogg, Aeroplane jelly.

Eight possessions that define you:

Guitars, boots, lappy, car, log-lamp (it’s a log that’s also a lamp), dog, Playstation, Game Of Thrones season two DVD box set.

Seven favourite movies/TV shows that go on your mix-tape:

Adventure Time, Game Of Thrones, Jurassic Park, Peepshow, Wayne’s World, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, Mighty Boosh.

Six bad habits you can’t escape: 

Getting too drunk before the show, not getting drunk enough before the show, forgetting girls’ names, calling girls ‘dude’ when I can’t remember their names, losing picks then borrowing them off other band members/bands, farts.

Five people who inspire you:

Keith Richards for being indestructible, Anton Newcombe for being a dope song writer and insane, J. Mascis for his shredding prowess, Cormac McCarthy for being good at writing stuff, my little brother for being good at drawing stuff.

Four things that turn you on:

Twerkers gone wild, Azealia Banks, Vincent Cassel, egg nogg (see above).

Three goals for your music:

Get more radio play, play Meredith, Australian Tour with Daryl Braithwaite.


Two live gigs you’ll never forget and why:

Supporting Daryl Braithwaite at Harvest and Graze. We played at 11am to a crowd of mostly young children and over 50s, outside in the rain. The band following us were children’s entertainers. Oh and we’re pretty sure Daryl Braithwaite stole one of our leather jackets.

The Hives at Falls Festival ’08. They absolutely destroyed it and managed to get the entire natural amphitheatre to swear allegiance to the Hives and no other band.

One day left before the apocalypse and you…:

Spend the whole day masturbating and playing Playstation so I can say I died the way I lived.

When’s the gig / release?

Friday March 15 at The B.East with Young Maverick. New singles are Rich Kids and Ruin.