Q&A: Destroy She Said

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Q&A: Destroy She Said


Define your genre in five words or less:

Dirty hard rock!

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question what do you reckon people will say you sound like?

A nastier version of ‘70s AC/DC mixed with Rose Tattoo Sabbath and Soundgarden with an original twist. It’s over the top pub rock!

Name an interview question you wish someone would ask you, and answer it.

What kind of movie best suits your music and why? The Spielberg movie Duel (1971) where the truck is terrorising the car along the highway. It’s a good fit cause because we are mysterious intimidating and right up your arse!

What do you hate about the music industry?

We hate lots of the music and lots of the industry.

What can a punter expect from a live show?

Honesty, we are real and I think people pick up on that. There are a lot of fakes out there.

What do you love about making music?

Creating something out of nothing. It’s like a guy’s version of giving birth; we have lots of little monsters now.

Describe the best gig you have ever played?

It was probably this year’s Shed Rock festival back in Feb. We were on fire and played a blinder of a show and totally smashed it!

What’ve got to sell cd wise?

Our debut album ‘Down To Dirty’ and now the new single No Church has been issued as a special four-track EP.

When’s the next gig and with who?

This Friday May 10 at The Espy Front Bar with Mammoth Mammoth Drifter and Long Holiday. Free entry!