Possum Presents: Possum Bitter Piss Up and Launch Party

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Possum Presents: Possum Bitter Piss Up and Launch Party

Paynesville local now Naarm based singer songwriter Possum offers her contribution to the folk canon with the release of her debut EP and chronicle of local colour, Possum Bitter. Come celebrate with a good old fashioned piss up and launch party feat. some of the best people ever Rhys Renwick and Charlotte Le Lievre at The Old Bar.

A modern take on Australian songs and bush ballads from the folk revival of the 60s, Possum’s music crafts humour and vulnerability to regale audiences with modern drinking songs and tales of nights out traversing country pubs and strip clubs. Her unique brand of hyperlocal folk captures a snapshot of Australia that threads cultural narratives through time and place; from the historical to a surreal present.

Definitely best listened to with a pint.