Out Today: Posters of Australia’s best bands in Beat Magazine

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Out Today: Posters of Australia’s best bands in Beat Magazine


Remember the days of picking up your favourite music magazine, pulling out a full-size poster of a killer band and plastering it up on your wall proudly? We’ve been around for a while here at Beat (in fact, we just released our 1600th issue), so we think the time is right to bring those memories back. 

We’ve hand selected bands making some of the best music in Australia in conjunction with our good mates at Mountain Goat to bring you a series of posters, rolling out each week in Beat Magazine. 

Read: How Amyl And The Sniffers got together to record and release their debut EP in one day. 

Kicking it all off are underground punks Amyl and The Sniffers, who’ve been making waves with their abrasive and distinctly Australian sound. Expect to see more of Australia’s best artists in the coming weeks, free and on the streets of Melbourne each week.