ONSTAGE: THE SERIES will see both fans and artists, on the iconic Palais Theatre stage together for a limited run of shows backdropped by the expansive, beautiful art deco auditorium.
On Thursday, 5 Jan, The Merindas will strut onto the stage with their soaring vocals and infectious energy. The Merindas are the collective force of Ballardong Whadjuk and Nyoongar woman Kristel Kickett (from Tammin, WA) and Candice Lorrae of Jawoyn and Thursday Island heritage (born in Darwin, NT). Now based in Melbourne/Naarm, these soul sisters are trail-blazing with their innovative style of Indigenous music. They describe their unique sound as “electronic pop with a dance-hall feel, alongside hip-hop and R&B influences.” Think TLC, Destiny’s Child, Salt n Pepa and all-around good times.