Northcote Social Club is bringing back all gender speed dating

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Northcote Social Club is bringing back all gender speed dating

speed dating Melbourne
Words by Staff Writer

Are you looking for love in Northcote?

Sick of spending your Friday nights sifting through the latest dating app in hopes of finding that metaphorical ‘diamond in the rough,’ only to feel like the last sane singleton left out there?

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.

The Northcote Social Club is here to help. The beloved venue is bringing back their All Gender Speed Dating Night; for those with sore thumbs and bruised egos.

From 5pm on Sun 16 July, the pub will hold four separate speed dating sessions including straight, gay, lesbian and GSD (gender and sexuality diverse.)

Hosted by their very own resident matchmaking, drink-slinging love doctor Joe. Each session will run for approximately 45 minutes and has a strictly limited number of seats available.

You can book into one of their four sessions including:

  • Straight
  • Gay
  • Lesbian
  • GSD (Gender and Sexuality Diverse)

Bookings can be made by emailing [email protected] with details including how many people you’re booking for and which session you’d like to attend.