Niilo Sevänen on the grand coming-of-age story that is Insomnium

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Niilo Sevänen on the grand coming-of-age story that is Insomnium


It’s an exceptionally exciting tour for the band, with 2017 marking the 20th anniversary of their mighty existence. That’s no small feat, and one that vocalist and bassist Niilo Sevänen contemplates with fondness. “20 years is a long time,” he laughs. “We were 16 when we started the band so everything has changed. A grand coming-of-age story it has been.

“We have grown up, learned a lot and hopefully become better musicians and humans. When we formed the band we never dreamed we’d come to headline Australian shows one day.”

Indeed, everything changes, especially in such a fast paced industry as the music biz. It was never easy for Insomnium to begin with. “There are no magic tricks,” Sevänen says. “Be true to yourself, follow your heart and do the kind of music you really love. If you are passionate and thrilled about your own music then it might resonate with other people as well. It might. But a lot of work and some luck is needed if you want to ‘make it’ and get on an international level. It’s not easy.”

Easy or not, it sure is exciting times for Insomnium, who are making their way around the globe. “Good shows and crowds everywhere,” says Sevänen, “Winter’s Gate works well live and it’s a bit of a different show when the first song is 40 minutes [long].”

Insomnium’sWinter’s Gate takes listeners on a beautiful musical journey – it’s an oddly uplifting, emotional rollercoaster. Sevänen attests to there being a special process in writing this album, with the thematic edge and addresses coming from a very new place.

This album has addressed so many elements of the genre, so many angles, it’s a wonder if there’s anything left for Insomnium to desecrate in the future. “Winter’s Gate was a special process,” he says, “We wanted to create something different, and somehow we all were in the same zone when we composed the stuff. The pieces fit together pretty easily. We had the short story and the mood ready before we started making the music, so maybe that helped.”

“We haven’t talked about the next album yet. But for sure Winter’s Gate gave us a lot of confidence to do different things. We always try to bring something fresh to the table and make interesting music.”

The reaction from fans was so positive when Insomnium last toured here with The Haunted, Sevänen says the band want to be here as often as every other year. “We are very excited to come to Australia. First time with The Haunted was great, and [a] lot of people have been asking when we’ll return. Now we’re headlining, so we’ll play a longer set. Let’s hope we get new fans and can come to Australia every couple of years.”

By Anna Rose