Mike Birbiglia – My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend

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Mike Birbiglia – My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend


Birbiglia is a jobbing New York stand up who came to international fame via This American Life, when Ira Glass broadcast a segment of Mike’s comedy show. The story he told, about his REM behaviour disorder and fear of marriage, was later transformed into a film, Sleepwalk with Me, produced by Ira and This American Life. In the film, we learn about Mike’s college girlfriend, his hapless errors in love and a series of escalating night time incidents that finally bring about the end of his relationship. His comedy festival show picks up where the movie drops off.

Named My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend, the show is about Birbiglia’s new girlfriend Jenny, a car accident and further thoughts about marriage. But really, it’s about Birbiglia. Awkward, doleful, naive, desperate Birbiglia, who once dated a girl who was dating someone else. Stubborn Birbiglia, who sticks to his principles even in the face of abject personal failure. This is who I am, he says, and it’s a little bewildering.

My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend is a surprisingly physical show, with a lovely narrative arc that descends into a tidy happy ever after and a bout of strobe-lit “fast dancing”. It is gently funny, charming and low key, full of pregnant pauses and subtle punch lines. The jokes aren’t all that sharp, but Birbiglia is goofy and endearing. And because its so personal, so committed but utterly lacking in confidence, his show stands out. You want to give Mike Birbiglia a cuddle, when he’s done. And you love him despite the lack of belly laughs.
