Melbourne Symphony Orchestra to perform choir cover of Paul Kelly’s ‘Leaps and Bounds’

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Melbourne Symphony Orchestra to perform choir cover of Paul Kelly’s ‘Leaps and Bounds’

Image courtesy of MSO
Words by Kate Streader

The virtual tribute will bring together almost 200 voices in a special performance dedicated to Melburnians in lockdown.

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra will bring together almost 200 voices from the MSO and the MSO Chorus this Thursday night for a virtual choir performance of Paul Kelly’s ‘Leaps and Bounds’.

The special tribute of the classic Australian tune will be dedicated to Melburnians currently in lockdown.

Premiering on the MSO YouTube channel this Thursday September 17 from 7:30pm, the virtual performance aims to bring those isolated in Melbourne together while highlighting the unifying force that is music.

“Music connects people and communities and now more than ever, we are in need of a bond with life outside of our homes. Paul Kelly’s ‘Leaps and Bounds’ is a beautiful reminder of the relationship we have with Melbourne and it is our honour to dedicate this performance to all Melburnians,’ said  MSO Managing Director Sophie Galaise.

“The MSO is one of our city’s cultural icons and it has gone above and beyond to keep our city connected and entertained during lockdown,” added Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp. “Melbourne has a strong tradition of coming together during our toughest moments and our city’s musicians and artists are doing so much to lift our spirits when we need it most.”

The performance is part of MSO’s ongoing mission to Keep The Music Going throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

The MSO’s Leaps and Bounds Virtual Choir will premiere on the MSO YouTube channel on Thursday 17 September at 7.30pm.

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