Melbourne School of Design

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Melbourne School of Design


What’s it like being a student at MSD? The student experience at the Melbourne School of Design is enlightening and invigorating. I feel as though I’m one of a whole collective of students committed to bettering our design expertise and to pushing the boundaries of our field.

How are MSD courses unique? The MSD hosts several design disciplines, each provides particular insight into the field of design and its various possibilities. As graduate students, we have the option to select subjects from any of these related design schools. Subjects are constantly being transformed and updated. I enjoy being able to study a degree that is diverse.

How does the curriculum at MSD influence positive change? Change involves learning from the past and transforming our future. The MSD curriculum focuses on teaching sustainable practices and frameworks for design. Rather than provide the answers, it asks the questions.

How does MSDx foster a sense of community at MSD? MSDx brings together all kinds of people, both from inside and outside the design profession, to share in a celebration of design. The MSDx also extends an open invitation to the general public, thus encouraging design awareness and advocacy within our greater community. 

What kinds of industry interaction do you have at MSD? I’m constantly in contact with design practitioners and academics as mentors in my coursework. Often, in design critiques, I’m also fortunate to meet experts from outside the profession who provide useful feedback and advice.