Market Focus: Love, Evelyn Markets

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Market Focus: Love, Evelyn Markets


How did the idea to start up a market at the Evelyn come about?

I was the band booker a few years ago and we wanted to open up the band room in the day so that everyone can see how great it is in there. Plus, with the positioning of the venue on Brunswick Street, it’s a great place to have a market and give small business their leg up in the creative entrepreneur world. Thus, the Love, Evelyn Markets were born.

What sorts of things are on offer?

Vintage clothing and accessories. Handmade jewellery and candles are popular and we’re into having tarot readers and a vegan cake stall whenever the lovely ladies are available to join us. We’ve also had local skincare businesses join us and childrenswear and gift stalls. Clothing clear-outs from local Fitzroy share houses always go down a treat as it’s a chance to find something unusual. Although we have a few resident stallholders, every market is different.

How many stallholders are there?

Anywhere from 13 – 17 stalls, depending on size. We’re cosy and intimate.

What makes your market unique?

We’re in a dark and dingy pub. That sounds like a bad thing but we concentrate on good local and handmade products, decent music on the iPod and the ability to have an alcoholic beverage while you shop.

Have you got a favourite trinket you’ve picked up at a market? Can you tell us about it?

Not really a trinket, but I picked up a portable record player at an absolute bargain from a past vintage stallholder that only needed a new ribbon to play perfectly. It has a proud place in my lounge room.

Melbournians seem to love markets, why do you think that is?

I’ve always preferred giving gifts that have come from small designers over anything mass-produced. Markets offer an opportunity to support small and local business, which means you’re more likely to find something unique for yourself or for someone special. Also, there’s a whole lot of variety packed into a small space so it’s aesthetically interesting and everyone’s always so friendly. It’s a relaxing shopping vibe compared to the hustle and bustle of a mall.

If you could visit one market in the world, where would you go?

There’re so many to pick from but Camden Lock Markets in London sound right up my alley.

LOVE, EVELYN MARKETS take place on the first and third Saturday of every month. The next one’s this Saturday November 22. 
