Marcel Lucont performs Encore

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Marcel Lucont performs Encore


France’s premier misanthropist and lover returns to Melbourne to perform his second show, Encore.

France’s premier misanthropist and lover returns to Melbourne to perform his second show, Encore. Since last year Marcel has straddled the globe, being recognised universally for the genius he is, playing shows from Singapore to Slovenia, from the Netherlands to New Zealand, where he appeared on TV3 as part of the AotearoHA Comedy Carnival. He has also completed his first book in the English language, which will be in the shops this July, entitled What We French Think Of You British (And Where You Are Going Wrong).

With Encore expect the usual superb mix of wry observations, bawdy chansons and even bawdier poetry. Musician Gaston will be fulfilling his contractual obligation and making a reappearance this year too.


Marcel Lucont performs Encore at Arthur’s Bar at Rosati from March 31 until April 24. It’s at 9.45pm from Tuesday – Saturday and 8.45pm on Sundays. Tickets are $18-$22 and you can book at Ticketmaster online, 1300 660 013 or buy them on the door.