Seriously, what’s the deal with music?
Despite being a music editor, fan and musician myself, I’ll be the first to admit it: I don’t get it. You’re telling me that a bunch of different frequencies, tones and rhythms can come together to make something so achingly beautiful that we cry? So viciously energetic that we thrash our bodies around, leaving a trail of destruction in our wake? So deeply vibey that we’re pulled onto the dance floor by the invisible hand of God? Makes no sense.
Until one of you science types sends me a strongly-worded letter to the editor, the only explanation I can come up with is magic.
This month, we’re taking you behind the magic, showing all the tricks we’ve got up our sleeves. Is techno getting harder? Is it better to be sincere or ironic in your art? Can rock ‘n’ roll be saved (and does it need to be)? All will be revealed within these hallowed pages.
On our cover, Elsy Wameyo bridges the gap between the two sides of herself through song. Inside, Spike Fuck gives up on a quest for meaning, Magdalena Bay transports us to Imaginal Disk world and we get to know Sydney’s newest soul sensation, Don West. We won’t spoil the rest, you’ll just have to give it a read.
Abracadabra and whatnot. We hope you enjoy the show.