Los Dominados

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Los Dominados


What’s your name then? And the name of your band…

“Miss Helcat…. The band’s called ‘Los Dominados’, that’s Spanish for ‘The Dominated’. Michael and Harold, who play in the band, speak Spanish. I’m trying to learn so I can eavesdrop on what they’re saying.”

And what do you do?

“I sing, play guitar, write songs and sometimes bang the drums. I do most of the organising in a mismanaged, unorganised kinda way. I make a lot of lists: the guys call me ‘The List-maker’.”

When did you start doing that?

“I’ve been playing in bands since forever ago. I started playing in clubs and pubs at 16 years of age. I’ve played in the T-Bones, Stiff Kittens, Moler, Antibody, Sass and currently Brazillionaires and Spencer P Jones & The Escape Committee. Los Dominados are the band I’ve been in the longest.”

Why did you start doing that?

“I fell in love with music and its power to touch your emotions. This folk singer, Des, came to play at my high school and teach music: I was hooked. The guys in Los Dominados are my best mates; it’s awesome to jam with the people you love.”

Do you think you’re good at doing that?

“I think I’m okay at it sometimes, but there’s always so much more to learn, that’s the beauty of it.”

If you weren’t doing that, what would you be doing?

“Maybe I’d do more painting, or video art, or maybe write short stories or scripts.”

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

“To get together with my pals and release all our pent up frustrations. It’s so good to plug in, strum that guitar or pound those drums and hear that massive wall of noise.Power at your fingertips.”

And what makes you unhappiest about what you’re doing?

“Having to organize stuff, I’m not real good at it. I’d rather just do the music and some of the visual side of things.”

What’s you proudest moment of doing what you do?

“Finishing albums and hearing the songs on the radio, or receiving positive feedback, gives me a buzz every time. Playing an awesome live show is also what keeps me coming back for more.”

And your least proud?

“Sometimes you might play a show and there’s not many people, you feel like you’ve let people down, like other bands and bookers, bars etc. I guess you win some, you lose some, but you still gotta play to win that crowd over, no matter how big or small.”

When are you doing your thing next?

“I never stop doing my thing really… there’s so much to do and so little time. We haven’t quiet released our third album yet but I’m already thinking of what to do next, what direction. I’ve got a few ideas, but I’m not giving them away just yet!!”