What to say about Over-Reactor, other than, “Well, that was some crazy shit”. The band are notable for being much more than simply a two-piece rock band. They consist of “only” a drummer and a singer, but with guitars, bass and other instruments sampled in. It just so happens that the said frontman is one Ezekiel Ox, former vocalist for Mammal and Full Scale, who remains one of the most electrifying entertainers in the Australian rock scene today.
His presence on stage (and quite frequently off it, out in the crowd, up on the sound desk, and so on) is always going to command attention, and this evening he stunned the crowd with his over-the-top antics. Cory Blight, former drummer for the Dukes Of Windsor, is the man who holds things together coolly from behind the kit. Their songs are aggressive slices of punk, metal, hip hop and balls-out rock. Put it simply, Over-Reactor are loads of fun if you know how to take them.
Having seen Karnivool seven or eight times (at least) since the release of their debut album Themata all the way back in 2005, it’s only fair to admit that tonight won’t take its place in the pantheon of performances of theirs I’ve witnessed. But that’s simply because their standards of putting on a live experience are now so ridiculously high. They really only suffer in comparison to themselves – if this had been my first experience of these Perth-based geniuses in concert, I probably would have walked away with jaw on the ground and mind thoroughly blown. As it was, I came away from The Corner thinking it was yet another stunning set from this, one of the finest bands on the world stage.
And, being that this is their only tour for the entire year, they may have been ever so slightly rusty and maybe 0.5% off their game. But still, tonight marked a superb performance from these alternative/progressive masters; Karnivool remain a band I will gladly and thankfully go to see every single time they come to town.
If you missed their shows at The Corner (or missed out on tickets to the extra show they’ve had to add on July 6), then you’ll be kicking yourself, as that’s your only chance to see them for all of 2011 and possibly a reasonable chunk of 2012. Also it was (hopefully) one of the final opportunities to catch them at a smaller, more intimate venue. “Hopefully” simply because Karnivool’s next album ought to see them appreciated worldwide and gain “super” status, and they’ll likely never again be able to choose to play three nights in a smaller venue. If they don’t break worldwide, it’ll be a crime and a tragedy. But we’ll always be able to appreciate this powerhouse of Australian rock.
Loved : Both bands.
Hated : That they choose to use a DJ instead of a third support band.
Drank : Cascade Light. Driving again!