Josh Earl : Square Peg

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Josh Earl : Square Peg


Josh Earl, or Jearl as he is affectionately known to himself, is hilarious and lovely. It would come as a welcome relief to find out that he was horrible and maladjusted human off stage, because he a delightful muppet of a man on stage.

He has a bunch of great new material and can pan some comedy gold out of the most mundane and relatable interactions. For all of us that have lived through the nightmare of being a Plus One when you partner is in the wedding party, Josh Earl has taken our pain and added a melody. He delves into the origin of the first ever handshake, and uncovers every parent’s greatest fear…raising a dickhead. A fun, funny show by a fun, funny guy. With Josh no longer on telly you should make the most of this opportunity to get your fix.

Plenty of songs, many more laughs and if you are still listening to Nick Cave’s Murder Ballads, you will never listen to it the same way again. Without a doubt Josh Earl will be one of the picks of the Australian talent at this year’s festival.