Joel Temperly: 110% Jokes

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Joel Temperly: 110% Jokes

This event is part of the 2024 Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Joel Temperly has some jokes he would very much like to tell you. Jokes about his hometown, old job, living situation, girlfriend, family and a whole lot of other stuff.

There isn’t a theme, a message, nor an agenda. It’s all jokes and this being the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, he thought it was as good a time as any to tell them to you. What a lovely fella!

Now, let’s get to know Joel. He is a bitter Melbournian who likes his Melbourne Bitter (or any beer you have really, no big deal). He’s been performing stand-up comedy for a few years now, including at the 2023 Adelaide Fringe and 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. He actually just got back from a wildly successful run at Perth’s Fringeworld.

PS: 7pm kick-off on Wednesday to Sunday. However, Tuesday is 9.30 🙂