Jep and Dep

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Jep and Dep


What story does your new album tell? THEY’VEBEENCALLED’s story is varied but concise – tales ranging from the utter disapproval of gentrification, missing rich kids in reservoirs, tumultuous relationships ending with euphoric sadness, the passing of loved ones. The album is a dark, romantic story seeping into the room like a familiar haunting ghost.


What type of impact do you hope this album will have on its listeners? Hopefully a black and white cinematic experience, escapism – the aural equivalent of a lonely midnight drone spiriting across regrets and distant memories – like a Wim Wenders film.


Share with us a moment you’ll always remember during the album’s creation? The album was created, recorded and produced by Darren Cross (Dep) mainly between the hours of 12am-5am (when all in the neighbourhood were sleeping and the gentrification rests for the day) the house next door to his studio was totally rebuilt while recording the album, disrupting normal studio hours. We will always remember this process – unique, frustrating at times but rewarding.


Our lyrical highlight of the album. “Wooden frames like crucifixes, claiming all that’s left,” in Helpless City.


Who are Jep and Dep’s influences and heroes? We really love the Dirty Three – they’re our favourite band. Heroes? Anyone who has the audacity to believe in themselves, fight the system and make a difference.