Japanese ‘pink films’ of the 1960s – mid-80s are being revived this July

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Japanese ‘pink films’ of the 1960s – mid-80s are being revived this July


According to John Zorn, ‘pink films have no relation at all to erotica in the rest of the world’ and are ‘often done with great artistry and fabulous imagination’. Some of the guidelines which these films abide by are that they are created in under one week, have a running time of below 80 minutes, stay on a very limited budget and of course, have a sex scene every 10 minutes.

The last of these films was created in 1988 but now Classic and Lido Cinemas are assisting to revive this genre of Japanese film. Focusing on a limited season of two new release films, Wet Woman in the Wind and Antiporno, the Roman Porno Reboot series will also include two retrospective titles to contextualise the genre for audiences.

While being rooted in erotica, the films engage the spectator by delving into the complexity of gender and the stranger, darker reaches of the human psyche.