Info Reset; shedding light on difficult and often overlooked subjects

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Info Reset; shedding light on difficult and often overlooked subjects


In an age where information is spread in short, loud and sometimes forgettable bursts, it can be difficult to grasp onto something real, that provokes and intrigues. The Info Reset seminar looks to do just that – shed light on difficult and often overlooked subjects with intent to alter some paradigms in the way we think.

The seminar is hosted by Conscious Events Global, a South African brand that tours speakers who vary in their expert fields, from new age philosophy to conspiracy. The group previously toured polarising writer David Icke across Australia in 2016. They now return to Australia with their next venture, Info Reset – a consciousness expanding conference event with three diverse speakers, John Perkins, Conchita Sarnoff and Sean Stone.

Nash Singh, project manager at Conscious Events Global and curator of Info Reset, feels current world issues lack resolve and are widely avoided. “Humanity is in a chronic state of avoidance, they never want to deal with the underbelly of the human condition, avoiding anything confronting.

“The news carries on, everyone moves on, a few years down the line you find that everything is the same and nothing is really changing.” Singh sees the seminar as a way to “inform people of what really needs to be looked at and focused on.

“The reason we came out with Info Reset is to get people to look at things until they are resolved”.

The speakers offer a mix of topics. There’s John Perkins, author of the revealing best-seller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and more recently the follow-up New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. John discloses his role as an ex-economic hit man and details schemes executed by the US government to control and destroy underdeveloped countries. “John Perkins was a natural choice for us,” says Singh. “He’s the first Edward Snowdon, a genuine whistleblower.” Perkins will draw on experiences divulged in his best-sellers.

Also appearing is investigative journalist Conchita Sarnoff. Sarnoff is a proactive combatant of human trafficking and will discuss the highly eluded issue. Her 2016 book TrafficKing concerns the depraved state of human trafficking in the US, with links to corruption in university and government systems. “This was one topic that we couldn’t turn away from. We knew that it would be very confronting for a lot of people, but at the same time we couldn’t omit it.”

While Sean Stone brings a familiar name to the seminar, his presentation remains the biggest wild card. The actor, director, writer and son of acclaimed Hollywood icon Oliver Stone, looks to discuss his psycho-spiritual journey. His 2016 book New World Order: A Strategy for Imperialism will almost certainly be a topic. The book is a result of his thesis, covering hidden imperialistic agendas in the geopolitical landscape. Another area of Stone’s knowledge is religion and spirituality. Stone converted to Islam in 2012, and has since been a defender of the religion. “Sean is someone who was very fortunate from birth, born into an elite family and an elite environment, but he’s been on a spiritual journey to explore,” Singh says.

Australia marks the first leg of Info Reset’s international tour, before New Zealand and Europe in late 2018. When asked why Australia was chosen to debut the seminar Singh says, “It’s a great place to start off things like this as people are far more involved. We find people [in Australia] to be very proactive, intellectual and concerned about the current state of humanity and where we are as a species.”

Info Reset is certainly an event for the curious mind. Those with an affinity for world events and humanitarian issues alike are bound to be captured. The speakers will offer controversial views, though sceptics are certainly encouraged to participate in a 30-minute QnA that will conclude the event. Summarising Info Reset, Singh declares, “This conference is focused on the system and powers that be. There are agendas that are being followed, and we should all be aware of what we are being fed on a continual basis.”