House of Maximón

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House of Maximón


Paying homage to Maximón, ‘House of Maximón’ will introduce Melbourne to an eternally righteous, yet highly morally bankrupt house of ill repute; a divinely corrupt ‘dive’ bar for the ages. Featuring otherworldly imagery from Dennis Ropar (a pop artist once referred to as “Warhol on Crack” by Ted Gott, senior curator of the NGV), real bone chandeliers crafted by visual artist Sara Penman, and original sculpture by key venue stakeholder Rene De La Soyo (created as an expression of gratitude to Maximón for choosing to embody his form).

Welcoming the downtrodden, the oppressed, and all those who romanticize them, ‘House of Maximón’ is scheduled for an early May 2012 public opening. A sacred place where good and bad alike can find comfort, ‘House of Maximón’ invites all comers to pay a visit and to leave the world a better place.