Hentai Magi

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Hentai Magi


What’s been happening with Hentai Magi lately? We got a new member in the band, my sister Patricia, on sampler and percussion, been working on getting some oldie but goldie songs into the live set, and recently working on new material after recording with my other band Cold Meat.

When you were in Melbourne back in March you had a successful set. What made it so good? We had a great turn out that were having a mad boogie and it’s the first time we played a bunch of songs live which was really exciting. Had a mad time having awesome local bands.  Also, Dragons and Pure Shit smashing sets, it was really musically fulfilling. 

You recorded Pop-Sickle in Leipzig in Germany. How’d that come about? It was after writing music in New York, Amsterdam and around Germany. I already had so many ideas and songs that when I got to Leipzig I got so inspired to record. I got myself a mini 8-track, a bunch of instruments and did it. Over there I was away from all my music and recording equipment, I had limited tracks, instruments and effects which changed, stripped back, and simplified the sound to something different.

What’s the expectation for your upcoming gigs? I’m expecting two awesome nights with double the boogie. We’ve got some killer local acts supporting like Face Face, Real Love and Crooked Space at The Old Bar and Negative Gear, General Men and H-Zed at the Yarra Hotel.