Girl in the Wood

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Girl in the Wood


What is your show about?

Girl in the Wood is a frightening forest fairytale about a young girl, Peggy, who journeys into the woods to save her older brother from the beast that’s taken him. An eternally lost cowboy, merciless bandits and hunger demons stand between Peggy and her brother. It’s Spirited Away meets Brothers Grimm meets Adventure Time. It’s also heaps of fun.

What motivated you to put this show on?

Kids make great audience members. They listen and respond and engage with theatre in really interesting and unique ways. I wanted to write a show that kids could enjoy and get a lot out of, but also doesn’t talk down to them and treats them with a certain amount of respect. Also, kids are awesome and deserve cool things.

What sets your show apart from others at Fringe?

I have very fond memories of being scared as a child. Reading books like Roald Dahl’s The Witches or the Goosebumps series. In making this show we very purposefully wanted to make a show for young people that’s a little bit scary at times. The show is really fun and hilarious throughout, but we’re also not afraid to give your kids a bit of a scare along the way.

What are you asking the audience to think about with your show?

When Peggy’s brother Chuck is taken by this beast she’s faced with this choice between staying at home with her Dad, or helping to save Chuck. I think we’re all faced with times in our lives when we’re forced to choose between the joy and folly of youth, and the responsibility and wisdom of growing up.

What was the rehearsal process like?

This show was a walk in the woods. A moment I’ll always remember was when our sound designer Robert Woods brought in his design for the first time and the room just came alive. Our show glows with the positivity and generosity of our team.

Venue: Fringe Hub; Arts House – Rehearsal Room

Dates: Friday September 16 – Friday September 23 (except Monday)

Times: 6.30pm (Sunday 5.30pm)

Tickets: $10 – $20