Get to know Chellah Mac before she launches her new album

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Get to know Chellah Mac before she launches her new album


When did you first start making music and what led you there? The music madness began when I was a kid. My mum always said I’d make up my own songs and jingles. This was one of the things I could do that came naturally. You could also say Destiny’s Child lead me into music.

What do you love about making music? What I love about making music is the freedom and self-expression. I only just learnt to not overthink when making music. When I write a song that means something to me I feel very present in that moment.


Tell us about your album The Wind. Last year I had a rough start and it wasn’t my intention to write an album. I was at the point where I thought I should give up, but then I wrote the intro song also titled ‘The Wind’. Then the songs continued to pour out. A little bit of sadness, a cat named Sheena and some cool friends inspired this album.

How would you describe your sound? I was in a punk-ska band for a couple of years but before that I wrote pop, soul and jazz. Now I’ve come to this point where I feel the happiest making alternative folk and soul songs, but who knows? I’d like to keep expanding my repertoire.


What can we expect from a live performance? A woman with big hair and some stories to tell, singing her heart out.