Fourcolours Coming To Melbourne

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Fourcolours Coming To Melbourne


We had a quick chat with Peter Suwara, the event director, who has in the past presented many shows including the Yellow Sunshine festival, Bliss, regular spectaculars at Royal Melbourne Hotel and the Annual Eureka Mile High Masquerade, just to name a few.

We can expect a handpicked selection of international artists, including a world premier show of a prominent psychedelic duo from France and California, uplifting trance from an artist in Brazil and earthy, intelligent techno, all pretty exciting. The music performance will be weaved together with live performance, visionary arts and installations, all really cool shit. Peter has hinted at a limited capacity event which will be planned over a six month period, with a real empahasis on detail, interactive experience and showcase of Melbourne arts culture.

Tickets will go on sale on Thursday May 8, where you will have the choice of one four tickets, each coloured specifically to go with a particular energy. The four elements, Crimson, Citrine, Viridian and Azure, each communicate a certain set of ideas and energy. Depending on which colour you choose, your experience of the event will be slightly different. We won’t say too much as we don’t want to spoil the surprises in store.

The Fourcolours concept will take elements from theatre restaurants, underground techno rave culture, fine arts, technology and a has subtle influences from a new industry, gamification.

Peters outlook on the event captured a passion for the extravagant and fun. “It’s always been about putting on a fantastic show, but this time we are taking it further, a deeply curated spectacular. Especially interesting in our world today of social media and deep, multifaceted interconnectedness is how we can entertain and engage the audience. It’s about finding a space, filling it all kinds of madness inducing cool stuff and wigging people out, I think it’s time that Melbourne raised the bar and we got people excited about something new.”
