European Man 2

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European Man 2


Rather than relying on the strength of a few single jokes to pull the laughs, the European Man character has the audience riding a heady wave of giggles with every mispronounced word he utters. Underneath the simple and innocent structure (or lack there of) to his jokes lies a witty intellect and an ability to gain laughs at unexpected moments.

This resonated with the packed audience which clearly had a lot of love for what they were seeing. In his own words he is a very successful comedian and his cat James Peterson who is frequently mentioned seems to think so as well. Part of this success could be his ability to switch topics without the slightest glimpse of a segue.

A short job interview anecdote leads directly into a ramble about eating chips in space which then changes to an impersonation of a dinosaur giving a stand up show. This is comedy that you would not try with your friends because you would look silly – European Man though just makes it look cool.

As a refreshing innocent and playful change, European Man steers clear of controversial topics, fowl language and shock factor. What he delivers is Borat rivaling character development, unexpectedly engaging tales and plenty of laughs. European Man is worth seeing – just ask him.