Emma Mary Hall : Ode To Man

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Emma Mary Hall : Ode To Man


Tell us about your show. It’s my farewell to men.  It’s also about my love affair with the battle. And modern dating in a computerised world. And the changing economy. It’s a collaboration with a totally kooky animation artist and a kickass punk-electronic musician. And it’s blackly funny in a Noel Fielding WTF way.

When was the idea for the show born? At 34, I was dumped, by you know, the “love of my life”. I realised that the 30s mean different things to women than men. I’m talking about how my broken heart links to some big stuff: global economic change, biological inequity, mortality, atomic bombs. You know.

What inspires you about MICF? That so many of us continue to turn up each year to make art and make laughs despite little to no financial return. I love that we live in a place that allows us this privilege and that there are enough of us who continue to make it work.

Describe your show in three words. Batty. Overwhelming. Sad.

Does your show have any audience participation? Absolutely not. God no. You’ve paid your money, you can relax now.

How have the events in your life turned into material? I don’t see much of a difference between my life and my work. The best comedy is true. Just last week I had a wonderful love affair with a hot German surfer, for example. He is now in the show. And he completely approves.

Venue: Aeso Studio

Dates: Wednesday March 29 – Sunday April 9 (bar Monday)

Duration: 55 minutes

Tickets: $15.30 – $20.30
