Do you know the Melbourne legend of Aunty? Well, you’re about to

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Do you know the Melbourne legend of Aunty? Well, you’re about to

Aunty Melbourne
Credit: Marlena Goldberg
Words by Brandon Bentley

Gracing the walls of Melbourne’s popular inner-city club Section 8, elder Christine Roopah (known to many in the scene as Aunty) is an enigmatic presence that defines the Melbourne music scene.

Known for her boisterous personality, flair for style, and killer dance moves that’ll make you swoon, Christine’s story is one ripe for the screen.

Thankfully, producers Crissy Collins and Marlena Goldberg knew exactly how to bring her journey to life. “Most people don’t get a chance to talk to her or hear her wisdom. This is a way to show who this person is. Show why at her age she still goes out dancing multiple times a week and why others should too.” Collins explains.

AUNTY Screening

  • Section 8
  • 14 August 2024
  • 7pm

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“She has this saying ‘when the heart stops beating that’s when you stop dancing.’ This really resonates with me. I’ve suffered from depression, and yet, the moments where I felt solace or peace were on the dance floor.” Goldberg adds.

Christine Roopah’s love of the dancefloor has grown and spread over the years, creating a space for everyone to let loose and connect with each other on a higher level. “Being in a space with so many people from all walks of life, and creating friendships with many DJs, she’s discovered a lot about music and dance styles that come with being in spaces with a lot of diversity.” Goldberg chimes.

Her philosophy that people should let loose and dance no matter their age is one that we can all aspire to. With her free-spirited dance style to her sunny personality that beams through every step, Christine extends this energy to everyone she shares the floor with. “She swept her way across the dance floor drawing people along the way from sitting to now dancing.” Goldberg notes, “Aunty embodies what it means to be a free spirit and there’s nothing more infectious than that.”

At her core, Christine just wants everyone to be the brightest version of themselves. Because at the end of the day, dancing is about having the freedom to share your most authentic self to the world. Reflecting on her time with Christine, Collins learnt that “it’s great to dance with others, but have it as an exchange rather than siphoning another person’s energy or dance moves. Be the fullest, freest expression of you.”

Having set up shop in Melbourne’s beloved venue Section 8, Christine has become a vital part of their story. It’s a sanctuary where she feels the most comfortable to have fun without judgment or ridicule. Collins retorts, “Section 8 is already a melting pot of people and I think she just perfectly personifies what they stand for.”

It then makes sense for Section 8 to become the backdrop for the film. Not only was it where both filmmakers met Christine, it’s also the place that feels the most connected to her and her journey. “When speaking with her, she was very adamant about expressing her love for Section 8 and for it being her second home.”

To any Section 8 regular, bumping into Christine on the floor is as natural as grass growing. Setting the film elsewhere wouldn’t feel authentic. Goldberg continues, “there’s no doubt that Section 8 is one of the reasons why Christine finds herself on the dance floor every week.”

The team at Section 8 were also more than happy to pitch in, not only helping to fund the project but also sharing stories about Christine. “We were lucky enough to get many people who Aunty adores to be interviewed and share their thoughts and perspective on her influence at Section 8.”

Musing over the film, Collins and Goldberg hope audiences will understand that “dancing and being part of the club culture scene shouldn’t just be for the youth but people of all ages.” Goldberg adds, “The spirit stays young when you’re having fun while moving your body and building connections through community.

As for Christine and her legacy, Collins and Goldberg have made one thing very clear. Christine “gives the best pep talks and really knows how to speak life into you.” Collins adds, “She’s such a treasure, and I felt she should be recognized for how much her presence is appreciated in spaces.”

Wednesday August 14 from 6PM. Screening from 7PM, with DJs playing before and after. Free entry! For the latest events, follow Section 8 on Instagram here.