Dixons Recycled

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Dixons Recycled


Impressively, the secondhand store is set to celebrate 40 years of vinyl records, CDs, DVDs, and vintage hi-fi. “I’m proud of the fact that a small business can survive that long in this day and age,” says Chris Hargreaves, one of Dixons’ resident experts, as well as one of their longest-serving staff members. “I think it’s a testament to the quality of the store and the staff that we’ve had and a very strong, loyal customer base.”


Dixons Recycled has catered to all kinds of customers over the years, from hardcore collectors to those with a more casual interest in all things pop culture. “We’re still getting people now of all ages, younger and older, that have discovered us for the first time. I’ve been noticing that quite a bit this year,” he says.


“We’re seeing fresh faces and a lot of them are quite young. That gives us hope for the future, as well, because that’s the future customer base. That’s very important, as a business, to get a fresh influx. We’re seeing a little bit of that going on, which is gratifying. It means I’ve got a job for another year.


Hargreaves is one of a tight knit team, who each pride themselves on their seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of music and film. “They’ve all got their areas of expertise,” he says. “I’m getting on a bit, I don’t know all these new bands. But then again, I know a lot of the very, very old stuff. Between us, we cover most of the bases. We’ve got a couple of heavy metal buffs that are good for tapping for information and some of the younger ones who are more into the indie scene. They can help an old chook like me out because I haven’t kept up with it all.”


Plenty has changed in the 40 years too, with real seismic shifts in pop culture rocking business. Most recently, Dixons Recycled has managed to defy the odds, thriving in spite of the explosive popularity of streaming services. “We must be doing something right,” Hargreaves says. “Music is not just about the music to a lot of people. It’s about the whole thing – the package, the air around it, the stories behind the music. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon with the two posters, the gatefold sleeve – that all adds to the enjoyment for people who take it to the next level.”


Quizzed on Dixons’ greatest ever acquisitions, Hargreaves speaks of elusive European and Japanese vinyl pressings – items that would make crazed record collectors salivate. But beyond the realms of awesome rarities, he takes delight in simple pleasures. “I always appreciate seeing a nice, clean record collection, because a lot of people, unfortunately, don’t look after their stuff,” he says. “It’s always a joy, if it’s been looked after, it’s clean and it still smells fresh like good vinyl should and the covers are nice. That’s always a pleasure. That’s probably the biggest thrill.”


Naturally, Dixons Recycled will be marking their milestone for customers, too. “We’re having a 20% off sale at both stores, Fitzroy and Blackburn, for the whole of Saturday,” says Hargreaves. “We invite everybody down to help us celebrate what we consider a pretty impressive achievement. We’d like to share it with our regular, loyal customers because, like a rock group, without the fans, you’re nothing. They can take a bow as well.”


By Nick Mason