Benjys Karaoke Bar


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Benjys Karaoke Bar

Brunswick East

Benjys Karaoke Bar
Benjys Karaoke Bar
Words by Kaya Martin

Want to get a little silly on a Saturday night? Head to Benjys.

Live music: is up to you at Benjys. The stage is set, the mics are on and the disco lights are lit – all that’s left to do is hop up and give the performance of a lifetime. 

Famous for: the communal vibes. If you’re more of a karaoke booth person and you’re nervous about singing in front of people, let me tell you you have NOTHING to worry about at Benjy’s. The crowd will be louder than you.

Infamous for: Want to see a hen’s party attempt a choreographed dance to Wannabe? Or an overzealous Brunswick local fail miserably on the second verse of Eminem’s Lose Yourself? Come to Benjys! 

Kitschy in all the right ways, it has a cosy yet not overcrowded room, a glowing LED bar and a massive screen lined by a wall display of 7-inch records. It’s the kind of place that feels more like a house party than anything else. 

Expect cowboy hats, wigs and feather boas. Expect to lose your voice. Expect to stumble out with a bunch of new mates.

With an ever-growing catalogue consisting of more than 70,000 songs, you’ve got a big decision on your hands. We’ll offer a tip: at Benjys, it’s less about your musical prowess and more about your enthusiasm (although a beautiful rendition of My Way will always bring down the house). You can never go wrong with a crowd favourite.

If you’re in need of a break from the noise, grab yourself a drink and slump down under the twirling disco ball in the beer garden. As one of the most prime places in Melbourne for a birthday or celebration, you’ll often find people who are looking to party. Benjys also offers private function bookings during the week for extra-special events. 

Down to earth and down to get rowdy, Benjys is a helluva good time. With free entry and free karaoke all night, you can’t really go wrong.
