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One of my favourite bands of all time, Strung Out, released a collection of re-mastered songs last week. Titled Top Contenders it was a kind of best of (not including three new tracks), and I’ve gotta say that despite me loving this band with every inch of my being (especially the portion that is wildly sentimental, as I suspect this is what’s fuelling the flame at the moment), releasing collections like this always strikes me as uninspired…literally. Feels like a cheap grab at cash in return for very little effort. I’m of the opinion that re-mastered albums are best served to fans as a complimentary gesture, perhaps for years of obsessive fandom. A free download? Now that’s an excellent idea. I think I’ve just become more cynical of bands taking advantage of obsessive fans. I’ve whinged many times about how much I hate it when bands appeal to their fanbase for money after a string of misfortunes or just general poverty and I think repackaging shit falls into the same category. Many bands understand that their fans will respond to their every artistic whim, but I think there’s a fine line between nurturing that and abusing it. Godfuckingdammit I’m grumpy. Can’t wait for Avenged Sevenfold next week where even my most raging anger will be overwhelmed by the angst of five thousand raging teens. Yesssssss!

Well, Soundwave have done it again. The crew that brought you Soundwave and Soundwave Revolutions this year have just announced a third festival to take place on Australia’s east coast in November. Harvest Festival boats a lineup of The National, The Flaming Lips, Bright Eyes, Holy Fuck, Death In Vegas, The Walkmen, This Town Needs Guns, Foxy Shazam and more. The festival also claims there will be art installations, holistic markets and cocktail bars to add to the experience. Melbourne’s Harvest Festival takes place in Werribe Park on Saturday November 12. Keen?

Maryland metal dudes Periphery will do some in-store signings when they’re in town at the start of August. They’ve just revealed that they’ll sign at Billy Hyde’s Bourke Street store on Monday August 1. They play at Northcote Social Club on Sunday July 31 with Tesseract and locals Twelve Foot Ninja.

Smoke Or Fire and Pour Habit are making their way down here in October and they’ve finally let on who will have the dubious pleasure of opening for them. Melbourne’s Anchors and Take Your Own will play the Saturday October 15 show at The East Brunswick Club. Tickets are on sale now.

Following Sevendust’s withdrawal from the Avenged Sevenfold tour last week, it’s been announced that Melbourne band and recent Rise Records signing Dream On Dreamer will take their place. They’ll play all dates on the Australian tour including Tuesday August 2 at Festival Hall in Melbourne. Their debut album Heartbound comes out on August 4.

Old school oiband The Business have announced an Aussie tour for this October. They’re booked in to play at The Prince Of Wales on Saturday October 29 with Plan Of Attack, Mouthguard and Topnovil.