Comic In The Corner: John Conway

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Comic In The Corner: John Conway


What’s the worst experience you have had in your comedy career?

I once died for an hour, like proper die i.e. silence (boos are better than silence). Towards the end I ran off stage and regrettably hid under some stairs to avoid the audience. It was the worst place to hide as I could hear every one of them saying how bad I was as they were walking down them.

What’s the deal with politics?

I don’t know man, like some f**king important thing. Politics are important.

What is the meaning of life?

The World Wide Web (how much better is that name for the internet). I love internet. 

Who in the world could you never make laugh?

This magician friend of mine doesn’t have a mouth.

If you could write the eulogy for your own funeral what would you say about yourself?

John Conway was a badass. He died being fired out of a cannon into another cannon. He made it like seven times, back and forth between the cannons. He kept giving the thumbs up. 

Where can we see you perform next?

Checkpoint Charlie at Eurotrash tonight, The New Conway Tonight Show MICF Melbourne Town Hall at 11pm all of April.

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