Comic In The Corner: Glen Zen

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Comic In The Corner: Glen Zen


What’s the worst sex story you’ve ever had happen to you or have heard about? 

A young bloke once told me about the time he picked up a hippy girl, and went back to her place where he had sex of the anal variety, only to find a cob of corn on top of his helmet at the end, never looked at corn the same since. 

What’s the deal with politics?

You’d have to ask someone who votes.

What is the meaning of life?

A fantastic Monty python movie. 

What’s the best advice you’ve gotten form another comic?

Keep going.

You’ve just been made Prime Minister of Australia after a bizarre yet strangely believable series of events. What’s do you do first?

Drop Tim Matheson

Who in the world could you never make laugh?

Sam the Eagle

If you could write the eulogy for your own funeral what would you say about yourself?

You could say he never died wondering . . .

Where can we see you perform next? 

Probably ‘Funny at the Brunny’

Where can we follow/stalk/find out more about you?

As above