Charlie Pickering a man in high demand. Amongst his own comedy work, he features on two TV shows and has managed to write a novel. Now he is returning to the stage with his new show Rodeo, Burqa, Circumcision.
“After spending all my time in TV studios in a PG time slot, playing by the rules of the man… [in the show] I can do what I want to do and muck around and talk about some hot topics, tell some stories and have some fun,” explains Charlie.
The show deals with some controversial topics which Charlie will approach with the belief that “you can talk about anything if it’s funny,” except maybe when it’s disrespectful to your girlfriend.
Despite a long and varying career, Charlie originally started out as a lawyer. However with the encouragement from his comic influence and friend Wil Anderson, Charlie decided he would give stand-up comedy a go.
Now Charlie is mainly known for his work on TV shows Talkin’ ‘bout Your Generation and The 7pm Project along with a new straight hairstyle which is “much easier to manage” than his signature curls. Keeping his fans on their toes, he has also branched out into writing, having his novel Impractical Jokes published last year. With Charlie, who knows what he’ll try next?
Charlie Pickering performs Rodeo, Burqa, Circumcision at Trades Hall’s Quilt Room between March 31 – April 24. The show’s at 9.45pm Tuesdays and Thursday – Saturday and 8.45pm on Sundays. Tickets are $22 – $28 from Ticketmaster online, 1300 660 013 and on the door.