Charlie Pickering: How To Tame A Wild Squirrel

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Charlie Pickering: How To Tame A Wild Squirrel


If you like your comedy whip smart and sharp you simply can’t go past Charlie Pickering’s first solo stand-up show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival since 2012.

In How To Tame A Wild Squirrel Charlie will ponder the most pressing issue facing the world today – now that we’ve given our lives to the internet, will we ever get them back? Before taking up residence behind various TV desks, Charlie spent ten years travelling the globe as a bona fide world-class stand-up comedian. He honed his craft on the road – developing the smart, insightful comedy he is now famous for.

These three nights at The Comedy Theatre will be a rare chance to catch one of Australia’s most prolific and engaged comedians in a rare appearance away from the cameras.

VENUE: The Comedy Theatre, Cnr Exhibition & Lonsdale Sts, CBD

DATES: March 31, April 7 & 14

TIME: 7pm