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And what do you do?

“I play guitar, sing a few songs and take care of the pixels (artwork) for the band!”

When did you start doing that?

“The Bugdust family has played together in one form or another for over 15 years now. I officially joined the band around 2004.”

Why did you start doing that?

“After playing many years with various bands and musicians I simply wanted to play with good mates. My affinity with hard hitting music also attracted me to Bugdust. It’s a very raw and powerful beast.”

Do you think you’re good at doing that?

“We can be the greatest band on the planet, and the worst… all in one song! It keeps us on our toes. We’re lucky enough to have years of playing music together under our belts, which keeps us consistent and perfectly imperfect!”

If you weren’t doing that, what would you be doing?

“I work as a graphic artist, so I’d be forever glued to a mouse and computer screen. Bugdust rips me away from work, deadlines and reality… which is perfect!”

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

“The moments of total escapism, exhilaration and satisfaction that occurs when creating music with a band. Whether it’s during the madness of a live show or the confined space of the studio… It’s what keeps us coming back for more.”

And what makes you unhappiest about what you’re doing?

“We’ve been doing this long enough to not be bothered by our successes and failures. It’s all a part of the rock ‘n’ roll ride… The reality of losing great live music venues around Melbourne is one thing that makes me unhappy.”

What’s you proudest moment of doing what you do?

“Absolutely destroying crowds at Snitch Club in New York City whilst touring the ‘States, which runs parallel with every great Espy Front Bar show we’ve ever played. Good times indeed!”

And your least proud?

“There’s nothing to regret. We’re still going strong and making music. We’ll take the ups with the downs, the twists and the turns on this Hume Hwy of life!”