An absurd and revolutionary new work speculating on a future ravaged by a climate catastrophe.
The world is in decay.
Colours are fading away.
The bees are buried.
Countries are closing.
Everyone and everything will be washed out…
In Collins’ poignant new work, Australian tourists crawl the globe, “like cockroaches”, consuming all it has to offer, before it is locked down forever; a last-ditch universal effort to fight the climate crisis.
And they will blame chickens…
Thurs 22nd June – Sat 1st July | 7.30pm | Bluestone Church Arts Space, 8A Hyde St, Footscray Sun 25th June l 3pm l Relaxed & Auslan Interpreted show
Fri 14th July | 7.30pm | The Bowery Theatre, 33 Princess Street, St Albans